Thursday, February 28, 2008


It’s been ages since I last visited. You know as well as I do that life could come at you like a speeding bullet train without warning. So, I hope you do not mistake my absence as abandonment, as such is far from the case. Rather, bouts of melancholia persist to invade my peace of mind. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons as to why I’ve turned to other men who could somehow aid in shedding light into the state of mind I’ve been in, this infection which claims hours of my time. Do not be angry with me.

However, you’ll be happy to hear that I’ve managed to revisit your infamous questionnaire. Thus, I’ve enclosed a copy for your own amusement. For future reference, do not be surprised if you receive more questionnaires from others, as I have forwarded them to colleagues of mine. Be rest assured that I will find my way back to Swann’s Way, and perhaps we can spend a year together In Search of Lost Time.

Warmest wishes,

Ps. should you decide to send me a letter, please forward your post to my current residence:

(Edit: Questionnaire Image currently misplaced. Will relink tonight)