Thursday, January 31, 2008


Ideas are born out of circumstances; moments that cannot be simply defined nor be fully expressed through sheer language and symbols.

Inspired by the fluxus state of being, this blog project is conceived by a mixture of interests which I hope to further explore this upcoming semester. Part experiment, part amusement, part curiosity, it serves to be a stomping ground for BECA students, and other creative minds alike, to share and to explore inspirations, musings and reflections. From lyrical mediums composed by structures of sentences, shapes, musical notes, let us all spontaneously collide ideas!

In essence, by allowing sparks of creative association to flow, this is a place where (I hope) we can all get to know each other a bit better on various levels (be it whimsical, serious, sentimental, etc. ). Free associate! Express! Inspire and be inspired. (Image: by me)

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